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Day 26: Bike Tour With Andrea & Stumbling Upon A Tech Company

Andrea wanted to meet Gaston and Sergio today. Maria had an extra bike for Andrea, so the plan was to ride down to Jugolandia together around 4pm.

Breakfast omelets were served by Chef Alexandra this morning. I consider myself very lucky to get to eat the meals prepared by her, two or three times a day. I don’t normally eat gourmet style meals. My meals in Toronto usually consist of vegetable smoothies and brown rice. Not very gourmet by nature, but I am a fundamental eater. I eat to fuel my body and mind rather than for enjoyment. After breakfast, Andrea had to head out to downtown Playa Del Carmen to pick up some souvenirs while I had to stay behind to catch up on some work. I have fallen a bit behind on my blog posting and it was about time that I catch up.

When Andrea arrived back from souvenir shopping, we headed downstairs to jump on our bikes and head towards Jugolandia. As I was going down the stairs, I caught a glimpse of the living room in an apartment that was downstairs from Chef Alexandra’s place. What I saw was a bullpen style desk setup, a white board that said “GOALS” in bold writing and a bunch of people sitting around with laptops. “I know that they are in there doing some internet business”, I said to Andrea. “Tomorrow, I am going to knock on that door to meet them and see what they’re up to”, I continued as we jumped on our bikes heading towards Jugolandia.

When we got there, Andrea spent about 30 minutes talking to Gaston as we enjoyed some lunch. Gaston is full of interesting stories. He studies spirituality a lot and loves to share all that he learns with anyone who is willing to listen. It’s too bad that this month in Playa Del Carmen is coming to an end. I would have really liked to have spent more time with Gaston, listening to more of his stories and gathering information. After we spent some time at Jugolandia, we headed to my place in Colosio. Andrea wanted to see the mini jungle I was living in.

After we were done looking around, we enjoyed a nice bike ride back to Chef Alexandra’s place along 30th avenue which was a different route than we took to get to my place. On the way back, we stopped at a little store that sold a lot of murals and eastern religious goods.

I am not very religious, but I have always been fascinated by the Hindu God, Shiva. If you read the story of Shiva, you will learn that he is labeled as the creator, preserver, destroyer, concealer, and reveler which are qualities that I resonate with. The stories of Shiva are also full of great life metaphors that I live by. I managed to find a mural of Shiva at the store and decided to buy it. When I go back to my place in Toronto, I want to hang it up on the wall. I think it would be a great reminder of the metaphors behind the stories of Shiva.

After we left the souvenir store, we headed back to drop off the bikes at Chef Alexandra’s place. I hung up the Shiva mural on her wall. I told her she could borrow it until I leave for Toronto. Andrea and I walked over to the bus stop. Andrea was on her way to Tulum to spend the rest of her days in Mexico at Casa De Las Olas and also at the Mayan ruins. I told Andrea that I would come down there at some point to visit. Jimmy had also invited me over to Cas De Las Olas, and it would be great to see him before I leave. I also haven’t been to the Tulum ruins yet. Gaston, Sergio and just about everyone I met, insisted that I visit the ruins. All the signs seem to be pointing towards the ruins in Tulum. This Sunday, I am going for sure.

Day 25: The Most Intense Workday Since I Came Here & Tacos Dany
Day 27: Internet Business In Playa Del Carmen